
The Impact of Brexit on UK Employment Law and HR Practices

At this point, you must already know that Brexit had a major impact on UK employment law. In this article we talk more about it. Read on!


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Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

The Impact of Brexit on UK Employment Law and HR Practices

19 de April, 2023

Have you been following Brexit? If you’re an HR manager or business owner, the changes that come with it could be impacting your work. Brexit has already caused quite a bit of upheaval in the UK employment law scene, and it’s important to stay on top of these changes if you want to stay compliant.

But we get it—you’re a busy person. How do you make sure that your HR practises are up-to-date on UK employment law post-Brexit? That’s where Sesame comes in. We have put together resources to help guide you through understanding key insights into how Brexit has impacted UK employment law and how your business can adapt.

It’s time to get informed on the latest HR guidance and tips to ensure compliance! In this article you will learn what changed and how to optimize the document management of your company to keep track of new standards. Let’s start!

Overview of the UK’s Employment Law Before Brexit

As a business or HR manager, you’re probably keenly aware of the complex web of laws and regulations that come with managing employees in the UK.

Before Brexit, employers had to comply with all the usual domestic employment laws, plus a few from the European Union (EU) that govern workplace safety and other core elements of employment. So what impact will Brexit have on all this? The UK has already adopted EU-derived laws into its domestic laws, so technically speaking, these laws are still in effect.

However, Britain’s withdrawal from the EU means it will no longer be bound by any future changes or updates to employment law made at the European level. That means UK employers will have to pay extra attention in order to stay abreast of any legal changes or developments within the UK and beyond.

How Brexit Is Affecting UK Employment Law

With the UK officially out of the European Union, this is an important moment to understand how Brexit is going to affect UK employment law and HR practises.

The first thing to note is that the government has stated that most of the fundamental aspects of existing employment law will remain unchanged. This includes laws on equality and diversity, health and safety regulations, worker’s rights to holidays and paid leave, and so on.

That said, there are some important changes that businesses need to be aware of. For example, the UK will no longer have to abide by certain EU directives such as those for Collective Redundancies or TUPE regulations. This means businesses could potentially face less strict requirements when it comes to employee transfers, including layoffs or asset transfers from one business entity to another.

Finally, UK employers may find themselves in a less regulated environment when it comes to working hours and sickness policies. With new rules in effect regarding how long employees can work without taking a break and how employee sickness should be managed, employers must familiarise themselves with these changes quickly so they can continue running their business as efficiently as possible.

Changes to Immigration Rules for Employers and Employees Post-Brexit

It’s no secret that the Brexit has caused some big changes to UK immigration rules, and this has had a direct effect on employers. To understand just how far-reaching the effects have been, let’s take a closer look at what UK employers need to know.

Employers Must Monitor Changes in Immigration Rules

Now more than ever, it is vital for employers to stay on top of new immigration rules. Not only can these rules change frequently, but they can also differ depending on the employee’s particular circumstances. Sesame HR software makes it easy for HR managers and business owners to monitor and evaluate changes in immigration updates with its automated updates feature that keeps tabs on any changes in the law.

New Visa Requirements for Immigrant Employees

Employers now have additional obligations when hiring non-UK nationals including applying for visas and meeting certain criteria. Furthermore, they may need to pay a fee when applying for work permits or visas depending on their nationality and purpose of stay. It is necessary for employers to be aware of these laws so that they can take the necessary steps when hiring immigrant employees.

Brexit has made it harder for foreign workers to enter the UK and work there, but with adequate knowledge, it doesn’t have to be a daunting task.

The Impact of Brexit on HR Practises in the UK

You may not have realised it, but Brexit has had a huge impact on HR practises in the UK. In fact, many of your current HR processes and procedures will need to change in light of the UK’s departure from the EU.

So what does this mean for you and your business? Here are a few key things to bear in mind:


The most obvious change is likely to be in the area of immigration. Post-Brexit, there will be new restrictions on who can work in the UK, and how they’re allowed to work. Employers are advised to check that their potential recruits have the right documents before hiring them, or face higher fines or even criminal prosecution.

Employment Law

Another big change comes in employment law—many EU directives which currently protect workers’ rights could be at risk following Brexit, which could result in employers having more flexibility when it comes to labour law. This means you should start to review any existing policies that might be affected by legislation changes.

Tips for HR Managers and Business Owners Post-Brexit

While Brexit is still a work in progress, there are a few important things for HR managers and business owners to consider to ensure compliance with UK employment law and best practises.

Get Familiar with the Immigration Rules

Under the new post-Brexit immigration rules, employers must have the skills and resources required to comply with UK immigration standards. It’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the new rules and how they apply to your business so you can ensure compliance.

Prepare for Hiring Challenges

Recruiting workers from other EU countries could prove more challenging than before due to certain restrictions, such as salary requirements and language entries. For this reason, it’s important that employers take steps to make sure they have access to a wide pool of potential candidates even after Brexit.

Utilise Technology Solutions

HR software can help businesses remain compliant post-Brexit by providing the tools necessary manage HR processes efficiently while staying on top of all relevant laws and regulations. The software can help streamline processes like payroll management, employee engagement and time tracking all in one user-friendly platform.

Ultimately, Brexit has brought a lot of uncertainty to the UK workforce. Many HR professionals are worrying about how to manage their workforce and how to ensure compliance with the new laws. As Brexit continues to evolve and change, it is essential to stay on top of new regulations and the best practises for HR.

Sesame is here to help. Our HR software provides the tools you need to ensure compliance with the current laws, as well as seamlessly manage your HR practises. With Sesame, you can focus on what’s important – creating a safe and productive workplace for your employees. Don’t let Brexit stand in your way. Embrace the changes and ensure your HR team is ready for whatever comes next.

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