Establish your Objectives and draw up a plan to achieve them

Inform your team about the objectives and priorities of your company clearly.

  • Objectives

    Mark the direction that your employees should follow so they can know what tasks they should carry out and what the expected results are.

  • Objectives

    Determine quantifiable key results for each one of your employees and measure the objective’s progress.

  • Objectives

    Check the objective’s evolution through measurable and quantifiable assessment processes in order to make informed decisions.

objectives employees management

Align your team towards a common purpose

  • Draw up clear and attainable objectives for your company

    Draw up clear and attainable objectives for your company

    Add a detailed description and make sure that your team understands the organisation’s priorities.

  • Personalise the objectives with your OKR software

    Personalise the objectives with your OKR software

    Set the project’s start and end date, add support documents in order to improve communication and assign your employees.

  • Create key results for each one of your employees

    Create key results for each one of your employees

    Establish key results directly related to the main objective. Establish how you want to quantify them and assign your team.

  • Supervise the objectives and OKR results evolution

    Supervise the objectives and OKR results evolution

    The people in charge can evaluate the objective’s progress simply and intuitively. Moreover, they can decide whether they were achieved or not.

employee okr objectives management

Establish your key results and get your objectives done

  • Establish measurable results

    Establish measurable results

    Know your organisation’s evolution progress simply and precisely through an OKR software.

  • Help to transparency and visibility

    Help to transparency and visibility

    Key results contribute to the company’s project visibility. Share with your team the direction that your company is taking.

  • Let your team focus on specific actions

    Let your team focus on specific actions

    Key results focus on particular results that must be achieved within a specified time. Use them to establish priorities for each employee.

  • Adjust your key results according to your needs

    Adjust your key results according to your needs

    Modify key results and adjust them to the organization’s circumstances from your objectives management software.

Improve your company's objectives through data

Download a report showing the current status of each objective

File or share the objective’s report with your team and make decisions based on data.

Access to a change log

See your objectives modifications considering the users, date and time of the changes.

objectives key results software

Receive updated notifications

The people in charge will receive notifications when an employee updates the objective’s status.

Check and modify objectives’ status

The people in charge can decide the objectives’ status in the company. They can also give their final validation.